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ATR Participants Are Resilient

Each individual in recovery gets to decide what their recovery path looks like. We connect ATR participants to community resources and remove barriers to support them in their recovery.

ATR is positioned to bolster your recovery. While our program is designed for those in early recovery (3 months – 2 years), we advise every individual to seek out a treatment provider or other program that they plan to work with long-term (at least 6 months) that best suits their recovery needs. If you are not already connected to a treatment provider, please contact the Massachusetts Substance Use Helpline at 800-327-5050.

ATR is not an emergency service. If you are in need of basic needs items, transportation, utility assistance, shelter, and more, please contact Massachusetts 211 or dial 2-1-1 to see what resources are available in your area.

ATR services are available in these five service areas: Boston, Lowell, New Bedford, Springfield/Holyoke, and Worcester.

You can review our Eligibility Requirements here, but please keep in mind that our authorized referring agencies often have their own eligibility criteria as well.

Once established with your treatment provider (typically after 1-2 months) and if eligible, you can request a referral to ATR. At this time, we only accept referrals from a select list of authorized referring agencies.

ATR Authorized Referrers Include:

  • Recovery homes/long-term residential treatment programs
  • Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) providers (Suboxone, Vivitrol, Methadone)
  • Outpatient treatment providers
  • Behavioral health providers
  • Community health centers
  • Other recovery organizations

Once your referral has been accepted and eligibility has been verified, your ATR Coordinator will reach out to you to begin the first steps on your recovery path!

“I was shell shocked after being in prison for so long. I didn’t know how to do anything. ATR put me on the right track.”

SUCCESS STORY — Nelson Vega 

ATR helped me through a difficult stage in my life… I was awarded the apprenticeship, at the Women’s Lunch Place. Six months later, I now work here full time as a kitchen assistant.

Nelson Vega